When trading, on the MetaTrader platform, you will see that each financial instrument (currency pair, commodity, cryptocurrency etc.) will have two (2) prices that are usually slightly different.
This is what's called the Buy price and Sell price also known as the Ask price and Bid price.
When you open a Buy order it is opened by the Ask price. When you close the Buy order, it is closed by the Bid price.
When you open a Sell order it is opened by the Bid price. When you close the sell order, it is closed by the Ask price.
The difference between the ASK and BID price is the spread.
Take note:
The Ask price is almost always above the Bid price.
With the default MetaTrader settings only the Bid price is displayed on the chart.
To add the Ask price right click your on the chart and select "properties" or press F8.
Choose the "Show" tab on MT5 or "Common" tab and MT4 and put a check next to "show ask price line".
You will now see the Ask and Bid price on the chart:
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