Want to delete your Headway profile and data? If you delete the account, all personal info, statistics, and bonus progress will be lost.
Please make sure that your profile meets the following conditions before proceeding:
- You have No Open Orders on your trading accounts on the MetaTrader platfrom(s).
- You have an Empty Balance on your trading account(s) and wallet(s).
If your balance is over 10 cents (EUR, USD or equivalent in other currencies), withdraw the money before deleting. If it's under 10 cents, please provide a written consent to the loss of funds.
To request deletion: Review your profile details. Contact us via E-mail at care@hw.site from the e-mail address that you registered your personal area with the following details:
- Approximate date when you registered with Headway.
- Reason for deletion.
- Selfie with government ID or passport.
If you have funds on the account(s) or wallet(s) that you don't want to withdraw, please include: "I agree to delete my profile with the loss of funds and have no complaints." The Headway customer care team will assist you with the process of deleting your profile and data.
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